IT Services For Columbus Ohio Businesses:

Frustrated With The Lack Of Responsiveness And Slow Service From Your Current IT Services Company?

Give us a call and discover how great local IT services and computer support can be! Business Owners, Call Now For Immediate Support: (614) 483-1088

Benefits Of Working With LevelUp Technologies, LLC

Hassle FREE IT Services

We go above and beyond to get the job done right the first time. No hassles, no problems.

24/7 Live Support

We provide Immediate responses. A live, Local (not Outsourced) person will answer your call. Your employees can request help via email or Phone.

3 Big Reasons to Choose
COMPANY NAME  to Support
Your Computer Network


No Geek-Speak

You deserve to get answers to your questions in PLAIN ENGLISH, not in confusing technical terms. Our technicians will also not talk down to you or make you feel stupid because you don't understand how all this "technology" works. That's our job!


Peace Of Mind

Because we monitor all of our clients' networks 24/7/365, you never have to worry that a virus has spread, a hacker has broken in or a backup has failed to perform. We watch over your entire network, taking the management and hassle of maintaining it off your hands. This frees you to focus on your customers and running your business, not on your IT systems, security and backups


Personal Service

Unlike the large MSPs, when you need us, you're going to be met with someone who knows you. YOUR Company. YOUR infrastructure. YOUR needs. This means you don't have to waste your time explaining yourself to tech after tech after tech. No more getting passed around like a hot potato.

About LevelUp Technologies, LLC

LevelUp Technologies emerged in 2023 and was founded by Douglas Mooney, CEO, with a simple question: "How do I empower my clients to elevate their technology to the next level?" With over 20+ years of experience, Douglas realized it was time to turn this vision into reality.

The concept of "leveling up" your IT comes from my extensive gaming background. Just like gaming, as you gain experience and expertise, it's rewarding to achieve a "LEVELUP," and in this case, it's your IT that is benefiting. LevelUp Technologies prides itself to enhance your IT infrastructure, allowing you to increase your productivity and profits. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Understanding that not everyone speaks the language of technology, we strive to communicate to our clients in plain English, not confusing technical terms. We listen attentively to your concerns and issues, to help find solutions to your problems. At LevelUp Technologies, we're not afraid to step out of our comfort zone to help achieve your goals. We're committed to going above and beyond to ensure you reach new heights with your IT infrastructure.